Business Intelligence & Privacy Consulting

The Cassandra Group provides businesses, law firms, and non-profits with investigative research and consulting services that help them answer business-critical questions and protect invaluable stakeholder data. Obtaining information ethically and acting with integrity to uphold the best interests of our clients are foundational values of The Cassandra Group.

We draw on our extensive knowledge of U.S. public records and open-source investigative techniques to answer clients' questions, both targeted and broad. Uncovering obscure fact patterns and synthesizing them into actionable information is our specialty. Our recommendations are risk-relevant, rigorous, and communicated with precision.

The Cassandra Group consults for law firms and non-profits, cybersecurity teams, and anti-money laundering practices, working with them to improve the caliber and enhance the relevance of their in-house research capabilities. In addition, we provide privacy-related training to groups, teaching people to safeguard their personal and financial information amid a proliferation of data and identity theft.

The Cassandra Group finds information – and identifies gaps in it – that helps our clients remain accountable to and advocate for their stakeholders.




The Cassandra Group: Avoiding Business Blind Spots

Named for the Greek goddess of prophecy, The Cassandra Group’s investigative research and privacy consulting services enable clients to act on business intelligence with foresight, avoid potential reputational and financial pitfalls, and use information to their strategic advantage.